Hyundai Elantra: Emission Control System / Evaporative Emission Control System
Schematic Diagram1. Air cleaner2. Delivery pipe & injector3. Engine4. Purge control solenoid valve (PCSV)5. Fuel tank air filter6. Fuel pump7. Fuel filler neck8...
Other information:
Passible Cause
Remedy (Refer to page)
Water leaks from panorama sunroofDeteriorated roof lid weatherstripReplaceExcessive roof lid - to - body clearance and improperly fitted weatherstripAdjustWind noise around sunroof Loose or deformed deflector, gaps in body workRetighten adjust or replac..
Special Service Tools
(Number and name)
Engine support fixture (Beam)09200-3N000Removal and installation of the transaxle.Used with the supporter (09200-2S100).Engine support fixture (Rear)09200-L1100Removal and installation of the transaxle.with the beam (SST No. : 092..