Hyundai Elantra: Hood / Hood Latch
Components and components location
Repair procedures
1. | Remove the front bumper. (Refer to Front Bumper - "Front Bumper Assembly") |
2. | Disconnect the connector (A), then remove the wiring mounting clips. |
3. | Disconnect the hood latch release cable (A). |
4. | Loosen the mounting bolts and remove the hood latch assembly (A). Tightening torque : 7.8 - 11.8 N.m (0.8 - 1.2 kgf.m, 5.8 - 8.7 lb-ft) |
5. | To install, reverse the removal procedure. •
| Make sure the hood latch release cable is connected properly. |
| Make sure the hood locks / unlocks and opens / closes properly. |
| Adjust the latch alignment. |
| Replace any damaged clips (or retainers or fasteners). |
Components and components location
Component Location1. Hood latch release handle
Repair procedures
Replacement1.Using screw driver or remover, remove the hood release handle (A)...
Repair procedures
Replacement1.Remove the hood weatherstrip (A).
Be careful not to scratch the hood weatherstrip...
Other information:
Components and components location
Components1. Shift lever knob & boots assembly2. Shift lever assembly3. Shift cable4. Manual control lever5. Shift cable retainer
Repair procedures
Removal1.Turn OFF ignition switch and then diconnect the battery negative (-) cable...
Consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer
to replace most vehicle light bulbs. It is
difficult to replace vehicle light bulbs
because other parts of the vehicle must
be removed before you can get to the
bulb. This is especially true for removing
the headlamp assembly to get to the