A vehicle’s electrical system is protected from electrical overload damage by fuses.
This vehicle has 2 (or 3) fuse panels, one located in the driver’s side panel bolster, the other in the engine compartment near the battery.
If any of your vehicle’s lights, accessories, or controls do not work, check the appropriate circuit fuse. If a fuse has blown, the element inside the fuse will be melted or broken.
If the electrical system does not work, first check the driver’s side fuse panel. Before replacing a blown fuse, turn the engine and all switches off, and then disconnect the negative battery cable. Always replace a blown fuse with one of the same rating.
If the replacement fuse blows, this indicates an electrical problem. Avoid using the system involved and immediately consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.
NEVER replace a fuse with anything but another fuse of the same rating.
Do not use a screwdriver or any other metal object to remove fuses because it may cause a short circuit and damage the system.