Hyundai Elantra: Driving your vehicle / Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) or
an Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
system will not prevent accidents
due to improper or dangerous driving
maneuvers. Even though vehicle
control is improved during emergency
braking, always maintain a safe
distance between you and objects
ahead of you. Vehicle speeds should
always be reduced during extreme
road conditions. The braking distance
for cars equipped with ABS or ESC
may be longer than for those without
these systems in the following road
Drive your vehicle at reduced speeds
during the following conditions:
- Rough, gravel or snow-covered
- On roads where the road surface is
pitted or has different surface height.
- Tire chains are installed on your
The safety features of an ABS or ESC
equipped vehicle should not be tested
by high speed driving or cornering. This
could endanger the safety of yourself or
ABS is an electronic braking system that
helps prevent a braking skid. ABS allows
the driver to steer and brake at the same
Parking brake automatically engaged
When the EPB is applied from Auto Hold,
a warning will sound and a message will
AUTO HOLD turning Off!
Press brake pedal
When the conversion from Auto Hold to
EPB is not working properly a warning
will sound and a message will appear...
To obtain the maximum benefit from
your ABS in an emergency situation,
do not attempt to modulate your brake
pressure and do not try to pump your
Other information:
Interior general precautions
Prevent caustic solutions such as
perfume and cosmetic oil, from
contacting the interior parts because
they may cause damage or discoloration.
If they do contact the interior parts,
wipe them off immediately. See the
instructions for the proper way to clean
The hazard warning flasher serves as
a warning to other drivers to exercise
extreme caution when approaching,
overtaking, or passing your vehicle.
It should be used whenever emergency
repairs are being made or when the
vehicle is stopped near the edge of a