Hyundai Elantra Owners and Service Manuals

Hyundai Elantra: Engine Mechanical System / Specifications

In-line, DOHC
Number of cylinders
75.60 mm (2.9764 in)
89.0 mm (3.5039 in.)
Total displacement
1,598 cc (97.52
Compression ratio
10.5 ± 0.2 : 1
Firing order
Valve timing
Intake valve
BTDC 93° - ATDC 17.5°
ABDC 35.5° - ABDC 86°
Exhaust valve
BBDC 43° - ABDC 7°
ATDC 0° - ATDC 50°
Cylinder head
Flatness of gasket surface
Less than 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) for total area
Less than 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) for a section of 100 mm (3.9370 in) x 100 mm (3.9370 in)
Cam height
37.32 mm (1.4693 in)
37.44 mm (1.4740 in)
Journal outer diameter (Intake, Exhaust)
36.451 - 36.467 mm (1.4351 - 1.4357 in)
No.2, 3, 4, 5
22.956 - 22.972 mm (0.9038 - 0.9044 in)

Camshaft cap oil clearance
0.040 - 0.071 mm (0.0016 - 0.0028 in)

No.2, 3, 4, 5
0.035 - 0.066 mm (0.0014 - 0.0026 in)

End play
0.10 - 0.19 mm (0.0039 - 0.0075 in)
Valve length
112.84 mm (4.4425 in)

122.83 mm (4.8358 in)
Stem outer diameter
5.465 - 5.480 mm (0.2152 - 0.2157 in)
5.458 - 5.470 mm (0.2149 - 0.2154 in)
Face angle
45.25° - 45.75°
Thickness of valve head (margin)
0.7 mm (0.0276 in)

0.91 mm (0.0358 in)

Valve stem to valve guide clearance
0.025 - 0.052 mm (0.0010 - 0.0020 in)

0.035 - 0.059 mm (0.0014 - 0.0023 in)

Valve guide
Inner diameter
5.505 - 5.517 mm (0.2167 - 0.2172 in)
Valve spring
Free length
52.55 mm (2.0689 in)
50.00 mm (1.9685 in.)

Out of squareness
Less than 1.5°
Cylinder block
Cylinder bore
75.60 - 75.63 mm (2.9764 - 2.9776 in)
Flatness of gasket surface
Less than 0.05 mm (0.0020 in) for total area
Less than 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) for a section of 100 mm (3.9370 in) x 100 mm (3.9370 in)
Piston outer diameter
75.555 - 75.585 mm (2.9746 - 2.9758 in)
Piston to cylinder clearance
0.035 - 0.055 mm (0.0014 - 0.0022 in)
Ring groove width
No. 1 ring groove
1.230 - 1.250 mm (0.0484 - 0.0492 in)

No. 2 ring groove
1.030 - 1.050 mm (0.0406 - 0.0413 in)

Oil ring groove
2.030 - 2.045 mm (0.0799 - 2.0805 in.)

Piston ring
Piston ring width
No. 1 ring
1.170 - 1.190 mm (0.0461 - 0.0469 in)

No. 2 ring
0.970 - 0.990 mm (0.0382 - 0.0390 in)

Oil ring
1.920 - 1.960 mm (0.0756 - 0.0772 in)

Side clearance of piston to piston ring
No.1 ring
0.040 - 0.080 mm (0.0016 - 0.0031 in)

No.2 ring
0.040 - 0.080 mm (0.0016 - 0.0031 in)

Oil ring
0.050 - 0.105 mm (0.0020 - 0.0041 in)

End gap
No. 1 ring
0.14 - 0.19 mm (0.0055 - 0.0075 in)

No. 2 ring
0.20 - 0.30 mm (0.0079 - 0.0118 in.)

Oil ring
0.10 - 0.40 mm (0.0039 - 0.0157 in)

Piston pin
Piston pin outer diameter
18.997 - 19.000 mm (0.7479 - 0.7480 in)
Piston pin hole inner diameter
19.004 - 19.009 mm (0.7482 - 0.7484 in)
Piston pin hole clearance
0.004 - 0.012 mm (0.0002 - 0.0005 in)
Connecting rod small end hole inner diameter
19.005 - 19.011 mm (0.7482 - 0.7485 in)
Connecting rod small end hole clearance
0.005 - 0.014 mm (0.0002 - 0.0006 in)
Connecting rod
Connecting rod big end inner diameter
45.000 - 45.018 mm (1.7717 - 1.7724 in)
Connecting rod bearing oil clearance
0.037 - 0.055 mm (0.0015 - 0.0022 in)

Side clearance
0.1 - 0.25 mm (0.0039 - 0.0098 in)

Main bearing oil clearance
No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
0.030 - 0.048 mm (0.0012 - 0.0019 in)

End play
0.100 - 0.280 mm (0.0039 - 0.0110 in)

Engine oil
Oil quantity
5.0 L (1.32, 5.28 U.S.qt., 4.4 lmp.qt.)
When replacing a short engine or a block assembly
Oil pan
4.4 L (1.16, 4.65 U.S.qt., 3.87 lmp.qt.)
Drain and refill
4.8 L (1.27, 5.07 U.S.qt., 4.22 lmp.qt.)
Including oil filter
Oil grade
SAE 0W-20, API SN PLUS (or above grade)
Refer to the "Lubrication System" for recommended SAE viscosity number.

Oil pressure (at 1000rpm)
90.22 kPa (0.92 kgf/cm², 13.09 psi) or above
Oil temperature in oil pan : 110±2°C (230± 36°F)
Cooling system
Cooling method
Forced circulation with water pump
Coolant quantity
Approx. 6.8 L (1.79, 7.19 US,qt., 5.98 Imp.qt.)
Coolant Radiator cap
Main valve opening pressure
125.3 - 154.7 kPa
(1.28 - 1.58 kgf/cm², 22.44 - 18.17 psi)
Vacuum valve opening pressure
MAX. 6.8 kPa(0.07 kgf/cm², 1.00 psi)

Tightening Torques
Engine mounting
Engine mounting bracket to body fixing bolt
63.7 - 83.4
6.5 - 8.5
47.0 - 61.5
Engine mounting support bracket to engine mounting insulator fixing nut
88.3 - 107.9
9.0 - 11.0
65.1 - 79.6
Engine mounting support bracket to engine support bracket fixing bolt
58.8 - 73.5
6.0 - 7.5
43.4 - 54.2
Engine mounting support bracket to engine support bracket fixing nut
58.8 - 73.5
6.0 - 7.5
43.4 - 54.2
Transaxle mounting bracket to body fixing bolt
49.0 - 63.7
5.0 - 6.5
36.2 - 47.0
Transaxle mounting bracket to transaxle mounting support bracket fixing bolt
88.3 - 107.9
9.0 - 11.0
65.1 - 79.6
Roll rod bracket to sub frame fixing bolt
49.0 - 63.7
5.0 - 6.5
36.2 - 47.0
Roll rod bracket to roll rod support bracket fixing nut
107.9 - 127.5
11.0 - 13.0
79.6 - 94.0
Drive belt system
Drive belt tensioner bolt [M8]
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Drive belt tensioner bolt [M10]
34.3 - 41.2
3.5 - 4.2
25.3 - 30.4
Crankshaft damper pulley bolt
[66.7 - 70.6] + [98 - 102°]
[6.8 - 7.2] + [98 - 102°]
[49.2 - 52.1] + [98 - 102°]
Timing chain
Timing chain cover bolt (A,B,C,D)
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Timing chain cover bolt (E,F)
39.2 - 44.1
4.0 - 4.5
28.9 - 32.5
Cam to cam guide
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Timing chain tensioner bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Timing chain tensioner arm bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Timing chain guide bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Oil pump chain tensioner bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Variable force solenoid valve(VFS) bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Cylinder head
Cylinder head cover bolt
[3.9 - 5.9] + [7.8 - 9.8]
[0.4 - 0.6] + [0.8 - 1.0]
[2.9 - 4.3] + [5.8 - 7.2]
Cam carrier bolt
18.6 - 22.6
1.9 - 2.3
13.7 - 16.6
Camshaft bearing cap bolt (M6)
[4.9 - 6.9] + [11.8 - 13.7]
[0.5 - 0.7] + [1.2 - 1.4]
[3.6 - 5.1] + [8.7 - 10.1]
Camshaft bearing cap bolt (M8)
[4.9 - 6.9] + [9.8 - 11.8] + [18.6 - 22.6]
[0.5 - 0.7] + [1.0 - 1.2] + [1.9 - 2.3]
[3.6 - 5.1] + [7.2 - 8.7] + [13.7 - 16.6]
Camshaft front bearing cap bolt (M8)
[4.9 - 6.9] + [9.8 - 11.8] + [18.6 - 22.6]
[0.5 - 0.7] + [1.0 - 1.2] + [1.9 - 2.3]
[3.6 - 5.1] + [7.2 - 8.7] + [13.7 - 16.6]
Cylinder head bolt
[29.4] + [90°] + [90°]
[3.0] + [90°] + [90°]
[21.7] + [90°] + [90°]
Intake OCV (Oil control valve) & center bolt
[22.6 - 26.5] + [32 - 36°]
[2.3 - 2.7] + [32 - 36°]
[16.6 - 19.5] + [32 - 36°]
Exhaust OCV (Oil control valve) & center bolt
[22.6 - 26.5] + [32 - 36°]
[2.3 - 2.7] + [32 - 36°]
[16.6 - 19.5] + [32 - 36°]
Cylinder block
Drive plate bolt
71.6 - 75.5
7.3 - 7.7
52.8 - 55.7
Fly wheel bolt
71.6 - 75.5
7.3 - 7.7
52.8 - 55.7
Connecting rod bearing cap bolt
[17.7 - 21.6] + [68 - 72°]
[1.8 - 2.2] + [68 - 72°]
[13.0 - 15.9] + [68 - 72°]
Crankshaft position sensor (CPS) wheel bolt
12.7 - 13.7
1.3 - 1.4
9.4 - 10.1
Crankshaft bearing cap bolt
[27.5 - 31.4] + [118 - 122°]
[2.8 - 3.2] + [118 - 122°]
[20.3 - 23.1] + [118 - 122°]
Piston cooling jet bolt
8.8 - 12.7
0.9 - 1.3
6.5 - 9.4
Crank lower case
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Cooling system
Water pump pulley bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Water pump bolt
11.8 - 13.7
1.2 - 1.4
8.7 - 10.1
Heater pipe (A) bolt & nut
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Heater pipe (B) M8 bolt
14.7 - 21.6
1.5 - 2.2
10.8 - 15.9
Water inlet fitting nut
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Integrated thermal management module (ITM) bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Lubrication system
Oil filter
Oil pan bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Oil pan drain plug bolt
34.3 - 44.1
3.5 - 4.5
25.3 - 32.5
Oil pump bolt
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Oil filter bolt
22.6 - 27.5
2.3 - 2.8
16.6 - 20.3
Oil cooler bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Intake and exhaust system
Intake manifold bolt & nut
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Warmup catalytic converter upper stay bracket
39.2 - 44.1
4.0 - 4.5
28.9 - 32.5
Warmup catalytic converter lower stay bracket
49.0 - 53.9
5.0 - 5.5
36.2 - 39.8
Warmup catalytic converter stay nut
35.3 - 41.2
3.6 - 4.2
26.0 - 30.4
Intercooler inlet pipe bolt
18.6 - 23.5
1.9 - 2.4
13.7 - 17.4
Turbo charger coolant outlet hose eyebolt
34.3 - 39.2
3.5 - 4.0
25.3 - 28.9
Turbo charger coolant inlet hose eyebolt
34.3 - 39.2
3.5 - 4.0
25.3 - 28.9
Oil feed pipe eyebolt
16.7 - 21.6
1.7 - 2.2
12.3 - 15.9
Oil drain pipe
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Exhaust manifold heat protector A bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Exhaust manifold heat protector B bolt
9.8 - 11.8
1.0 - 1.2
7.2 - 8.7
Turbocharger nut
49.0 - 53.9
5.0 - 5.5
36.2 - 39.8
Muffler nut
39.2 - 58.8
4.0 - 6.0
28.9 - 43.4

    Engine Mechanical System


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